Making up a meeting or Visiting
OnLine ALpha allows members of other Online Chapters as well as those only in a Land Chapter to make up a meeting they may have to miss in their own chapter. A perspective member may visit for two weeks to get to know us during a meeting, program and social.

Our meetings begin at 12:01 PM  Eastern time the third Thursday of every month (except December), and last until 11:59 PM ET the next Wednesday. We will need to have the request (the form below) to make up a meeting sent no later than the Sunday prior to that Thursday's meeting. This gives us time to add you to our mailing list on Wednesday. The program takes place during the week of the meeting. Our programs are designed for the members to add something of substance to the program. You will need to respond to the program to get credit for the meeting. When you respond, please tell us your name, your other chapter and, if you wish, where you live. After 2 weeks have passed, we'll then remove you from our mailing list. This extended time past the meeting will allow you to take an active part in our social also.

Copy the text in the box below. Then Click Here to open a blank email (you may have to close your email program if this link doesn't work). The "To" and "Subject" fields should already be filled in. Paste into that email and send. OLA's President or Vice President will get back to you ASAP. Or just type the required information into an email addressed to the emails from the "Click Here" link above.



E-Mail Address:

BSP Membership Number:

Chapter Name and Number:

Chapter President name and e-mail address or another e-address (for reporting of a made up meeting)

Month and Year of meeting you wish to make up:

Additional Information: (Please include other information about yourself. This is optional. If you choose not to share, write just put "none")


 Thank you